MOPS/MOMSnext: Membership FAQ

How much is a MOPS/MOMSnext membership?
The International fee is a once a year payment of $24.95. Local dues are paid at each meeting when you sign in each month and that fee is $6. You may pay the $24.95 and local fee for the year ($6 x 9 months=$54) up front which would be a total of $80, or you may pay the $24.95 and pay the $6 each month, it is totally up to you. *See below about our September Special*

What is the International MOPS fee?
This fee is the once a year payment of $24.95. This is paid directly to the MOPS International organization.

What is the Local fee?
Local fees are $6/month and this fee helps us purchase supplies, decorations and other things that help our meetings function from month to month.

Do I have to pay the dues at the first meeting I attend?
No! Your first meeting is completely FREE!!! We want you to come try out a meeting for yourself and see what you think before you make the decision to pay for a membership.

What do I receive with my MOPS/MOMSnext membership?
A welcome kit with:
  • A Fierce Flourishing Guidebook, including a guest appearance by Jen Hatmaker
  • An adorable print to add beauty to your space
  • A bracelet to remind you to choose to flourish
  • Discounts and music downloads
  • Postcards to send via snail mail
  • And, of course, a few surprises. (You know how much we love surprises.)
Annual subscription to Hello, Dearest magazine
Exclusive discount offers
Weekly inspiring emails
A special benefit from brightpeak Financial

What if I would like to become a member but can't afford it at this time?
No worries! We don't want anyone to miss out on this awesome group of ladies just because they are unable to pay the fees. Email and let us know if you need to take advantage of our scholarship program. We would love to help you out and it is completely confidential.

BONUS: SEPTEMBER SPECIAL! If you pay your International and Local dues upfront by October 1st you get one meeting of local dues for FREE! This brings the total you would pay upfront to $73 (instead of the $80). Only for the month of September!


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