
Showing posts from August, 2012

Coming up: Kick-Off Meeting Tuesday, September 4th!!

It's almost here! The first meeting of the year is Tuesday, September 4th. Our meetings are always at the First Baptist Church in San Marcos , upstairs in the Youth room. (Go up the stairs take a left and go all the way down the hall.) For our kick-off meeting, our speaker will be Pediatrician, Dr. Flinn. We are so excited to hear some of the pointers she will give us as to how to keep our little ones healthy this year. If you haven't been to a meeting we are super casual! What do we do at MOPS? We serve dinner, eat, listen to a speaker for twenty minutes or so, and just mingle with the Mommas. Just a little time to refresh and hang out with other ladies. Who doesn't need that kind of night out? Your first meeting is free! Even if you need child care! Child care is FREE. Please RSVP here  or email us at if you need child care (Name and age of children). Everyone is welcome! You do not have to be a member of FBC to participate in MOPS San...


As a community organization, we never want the cost of MOPS to be prohibitive to moms attending. If this is a concern for you or someone you may know, please contact Chelsie at . We have a limited number of scholarships available and will do everything we can to try and help.

Help Wanted: Fall Community Service Project

Are you interested in doing something helpful for the community? Join us in our Fall Community Service Project as we make dinner for the Hays Caldwell Women's Shelter! What do you need to do? Prepare your choice of a main dish, side OR dessert in a disposable container. A representative from MOPS will meet in a central location (TBA) to pick up all food and drop off at the Women's Shelter. This is a wonderful treat for the ladies and thier children after their group meetings. There are between 30-35 ladies and children. Let us know if this is something you want to be involved with! Click here to let us know you will be participating.

Back to School Dinner, September 13th

Escape the craziness of back to school with some girl time! Join us on September 13th at The Railyard Bar & Grill at 7pm. Come hang out with the ladies and enjoy a hot meal all to yourself!  Click here to RSVP.

Mom & Tot Package Deal at Schlitterbahn

Check out this amazing deal  Schlitterbahn is offering our MOPS San Marcos families: Once the big kids go back to school, it’s a great time to bring the little ones out to play at Schlitterbahn during Blast & Save Days, August 27-31!  Schlitterbahn would like to offer San Marcos MOPs a special discounted Mom & Tot package, which includes 1 General and 1 Child (age 3-11) admission ticket, at a savings of 45% off the gate rate.  Additional discounted general and child admissions are available as well and children under the age of 3 are free.  Only the Blastenhoff section will be open but it features a toddler play area, as well as Hans Hideout and the Torrent River so there is plenty for the kiddos to do.  A minimum purchase of two packages is required so invite a friend and enjoy one of the best times to visit Schlitterbahn!  Orders must be prepaid at least 48 hours prior to your visit.  Click here  for the order form. A bi...

Did You Know...?

MOPS recieves a discount for their kiddos at The Jumpy Place in both Kyle and New Braunfels locations! Just tell them that you are with MOPS San Marcos and your children can jump for $5 instead of $7! What a great deal!

August Newsletter

The August Newsletter is here! Enjoy ~

Calling all Babysitters!

Who doesn't love a great babysitter? We all need one from time to time but sometimes we don't know who to call. Do you have a fantastic babysitter that you would recommend to our MOPS ladies? Share the wealth and send us their contact info! (With their permission of course.) If you have someone in mind, email Chelsie at  with a name and phone number. *Contact info will only be shared at our meetings and not online.

Advertise With MOPS San Marcos!

Let MOPS San Marcos help you grow your business! Come advertise with us and support a great cause for the community! Check out these great deals: $25 per semester (August-December/January-May) $50 for the entire year (August-May) Your business logo will be placed in our monthly newsletter that will be handed out to our members at our monthly meetings. In addition, you will also have a small ad that will be placed on our blog which will have a single link back to the choice of your business website, Facebook page, Twitter, etc. Just let us know which link will be more beneficial to you and your business. If you would rather the payment be in door prizes, we will accept that also! Arrangements will need to be made for pick- up/delivery of the door prizes each month before each meeting. We hope you will consider advertising with MOPS San Marcos! If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact Chelsie at .

Meet & Mingle at Palmer's Tuesday, August 14th

Enjoy a night to yourself while meeting other local Moms! Come have some appetizers and meet new friends at Palmer's Restaurant on Tuesday, August 14th at 7pm. This will be a very casual event and a good chance for you to come learn more about the MOPS program. Are you already a part of the MOPS program but know someone who isn't? Bring them along! All Moms are welcome. Hope to see you there!