What's MOPS?

MOPS International
A non-profit organization devoted to making a better world by helping to create better Moms. MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and our purpose is to provide friendship, community and support to Moms with children from newborn to six years of age. This also includes expecting Moms!  We have weekly and monthly events to help Moms socialize and have fun with their kiddos.
A group for mothers of school-age kids. At MOPS International we believe Better Moms Make a Better World. This is true during the preschool years and beyond. As mothers enter the school years, new challenges and issues arise, but the need for community and hope remains. For this reason we offer MOMSnext, a ministry to mothers of school-age kids. A MOMSnext group is an open, accepting place for all mothers of school-age kids to experience authentic community, personal growth, practical help and spiritual hope.

Our Charter Church, First Baptist Church in San Marcos, hosts our MOPS/MOMSnext meetings on the first Tuesday of every month. Your first meeting is FREE! After that, the cost is $7 per meeting plus a one-time annual fee of $31.95 that goes towards your national MOPS dues. Childcare is provided at each meeting that is free of charge. We do ask that you RSVP a spot for your children in advance every month so we can provide the right amount of resources to make their experience a positive one. We create a Facebook event for every meeting and you can RSVP your child inside the event. Please visit www.facebook.com/SanMarcosMOPS to find info for the next meeting. Not on Facebook? No problem! Send an email to mops.sanmarcos@gmail.com with your RSVP.

*All meetings will begin at 6:15pm and dinner will be provided for all moms and kids.*

What is included this year with membership?

9 meetings with exciting guest speakers, crafts, dinner, fellowship, raffle prizes, and childcare!
A welcome kit with:
  • A Starry Eyed Guidebook, Becoming Starry Eyed:Practices to Cultivate Wonder, Hope and Kindness
  • An adorable print to add beauty to your space
  • A handmade copper bracelet
  • An invitation to the 28 Day Challenge
  • And, of course, a few surprises. (You know how much we love surprises.)
  • Annual subscription to Hello, Dearest magazine
  • Exclusive discount offers
  • Weekly inspiring emails
  • A Guide to the Night Sky

Come see what MOPS San Marcos is all about! We look forward to your visit!


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