Advertise with MOPS/MOMSnext San Marcos!
Looking to get the word out about your business? Advertising with MOPS/MOMSnext San Marcos is an affordable way to get exposure not only to our group, but throughout our community! Take a look at how we can represent you and your business: Cost: $50.00 for one semester (August-December/January-May) $80.00 for the entire year (August-May) *Your business logo will be placed in our monthly newsletters that are handed out to our members (40+ Moms) at our monthly meetings. Your logo will also be placed in our meeting reminders that we hand out monthly to every parent in the First Baptist Church Mother's Day Out Program. *You will have an electronic business ad (approximately the size of a business card) that will be posted on our blog and it will be linked back to the website of your choosing. Electronic ads will be posted on the blog until August of 2016. *You will receive a free ad (business card size) in our San Market inform...